CRank: 5Score: 26840
5351d ago

Demons Souls is the Very Best RPG Today.
Did you ever wish oblivian could be online? Especially since there was
a gladiator guild. Oblivian was Game of the year. Enter Demons Souls.

Mass Effect. Game of the year for many.
Enter Demons Souls.

Fable 2. Game of the year even though co-op wasn't what was promised.
Enter Demons Souls.

Fallout 3. Game of the year.
Enter Demons Souls & G4TV burys the written review. ...

5351d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why has virgin megastore collasped?

Why can't horses pull my car?

Why can I put rims on my horse?

Why do MAGNUM condoms fit me baggy?

XBUTTS: Can't live with them & you can't sell
them progress.

5351d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never use a strategy guide.
I feel it's best to have my very own experience instead of following someone elses.
It even takes me hours of cotemplation before I even summon Anyones help online.

But demons souls is so huge that within a years time or less I might op to get a guide for once in my life.
Rule number 1: don't die.
Rule number 2: take it slow.
Rule number 3: WIN.

That's how I game. I'm also very hard to frustrate.

5352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If any of you guys have a friend on your friends list that you wanna beat in the trophy level department, buy this game.
Its fun and the trophies are pretty easy to get.

This is a saturday morning game.
I give it a 7.5 too.

5352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love that they added the in game camera for home!
I also love that HOME has universal game launching which means I never have to disconnect form home.

I love the singstar space and XI and the theathre.
But most of all the reason I love HOME is because it reminds me and gets me into the mood to play games. I get excited and i like talking to people on HOME.

Its FUN if you know what youre doing.

I suspect the guys who dont really enj...

5352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and i still havent beaten yet.

i play uncharted 2 in episodes and then back to demons souls.

once i beat uncharted then its back to online mode of non stop action!

5352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also summon alot at the castle. Look for my soul sign by dragons soaring.

I can't even tell you how many stories I have about demons souls online.
Incredible game & atlus has gained a loyal fan. Me forever.
I love this game!

5353d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry Xbots. Anybody that reads N4G know youre full of sh!T.

5353d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

once PSN has Cross game chat people will open thier eyes and realize that PSN is already Miles better than xbox live. Psn Just pretty much dusted xbox live.

xbox live messed up and got too comfortable.
seriously, facebook and twitter is the big appeal?
how does that beat the fully working internet browser?
Avatars? BEAT BY HOME.
HANDHELD Compatibilty? OOoops, sorry.
GAMES and Movies? PSN!


5353d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The xbox 360 is like a poor mans Mr. potatoe head.
no direspect to mr. potatoe head.

because of the add ons and xbox live and extra dvds for games.

5353d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment
5353d ago




5353d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

But the fact is Sony kicked xbox360's a$$ in poularity with the word ... BLURAY.

Everyone knows Playstation in america.
The reality is these sales they seem to hold so close to thier chest is only because of a years headstart with NO competion from ANYONE and The inFAMOUS RROD Epidemic that forced millions to re-buy a xbox360 before the warranty was bought by microsoft to evade a Total Recall.

Thats a Sad story everyone. A very popular Sad Story.

5353d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What the hell is that?
whats this hd dvd you speak of? I never heard of it.

5353d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ever since universal game launching I am rarely ever disconnected from home. Ever since they added the camera to take photos I spend alot more time in home. I use my pics as a theme for my ps3 and I send home pics as messages to other players.

Nothing is more cooler than launching demons souls from home and everyone says WOW YOU HAVE DEMONS SOULS?!?

why yes, yes i do.

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ps3 games make the top 10 sold on NPD every month.

Thanks to sony.

For rejuvinating the psp with psn.

Thanks to sony.

For Making Bluray Mainstream.

Thanks to sony for waiting to save the best for last.

All these acomplishments 1 year AFTER xbox360's launch.

5353d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

ps3 gamers need to buy more games?

Thats bullcrap!

If ps3 had the same exact size install base as the xbox360 with the 12 month headstart, ps3 games would be on top outselling 360 games 3 to 1. its bad enough that ps3 games make the top ten games sold on NPD with its smaller install base.

What are ps3 gamers supposed to do? Buy 2 copies of a game because some guy bought a xbox360 in 2006? Please. Grow a brain.
are all ps3 gamers to make s...

5353d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Fck Fair!

I know you're going to try to find some common ground to equalize xbox360 games & ps3's
but you know you're not right. Your entire office is only playing playstation.
The whole world is hyped & satisfied with just the ps3.
The games are on another level. This is the future we were talking about. The xbox360 is ridiculous & the proof is the useless, stupid avatars, facebook & Twitter on a closed network. Games needing 2 disc or more ...

5353d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Resistance 2!!!!

And the winner is ... Resistance Retribution!!!!!
And the winner is ... Monster Hunter 3 Freedom Unite!!!!!
And the winner is ... Ninja gaiden sigma 2 !!!!
And the winner is... Playstation gamers!!!!!

A clean Sweep!

5353d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment